How close are we to a cure? It has been almost half a year since COVID-19 was first diagnosed and spread throughout the world in a global…
Professor YoungSoo Kim of Underwood International College’s Bio-Convergence Major has been doing revolutionary research in the Alzheimer’s…
On October 7, 2019, three scientists – Dr. William G. Kaelin Jr., Dr. Gregg L. Semenza and Dr. Peter J. Ratcliffe – shared a Nobel Prize in…
The world was shaken up when the news broke out that a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, successfully genetically modified three babies. Two…
South Korea consumed 98.2kg of plastic products per capita in 2016, dethroning the United States (97.7kg) as the world's greatest per-capita…
Walking into a cafe, a familiar scene unfolds before us: a number of open-mouthed, wide-eyed people standing still nearby the cashier…
Even though South Korea is a top manufacturing country, South Korea cannot make electricity independently, and nuclear power plants are the…
In modern times, the environment portrayed in science fiction from the 20th century no longer holds extreme deviation from reality…